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Our office in Vienna is the Austrian reference center for Asclepion Lasers. We therefore work with the latest and most powerful lasers on the market. We also train medical colleagues in the field of laser technology.



What is a laser and which lasers are available at 'Medizin am Hauptbahnhof'?

Laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) Laser beams are electromagnetic waves or amplified light. Although the majority of lasers are not visible, depending on the wavelength, laser beams can also be visible. The wavelength also determines which skin changes the laser affects. Depending on the laser, the target can be red color (small vessels, nail fungus), dark color (tattoo removal, hair removal) or water (scars). When removing skin lesions, the target is the water contained in the tissue. The laser beam penetrates the top layer of tissue and, depending on the settings selected, hits the desired target (water, vessels, color pigments, hair roots, nail fungus).

We offer various laser procedures with different effects in our surgery:
- Erbium Dermablate (MCL31) 
- DuoGlide

- Again PRO by DEKA
- Discovery Picolaser by Quanta Systems

We would be happy to advise you on the right laser for your needs.


What is the Erbium Dermablate (MCL31) used for?


The erbium laser (MCL31 Dermabalate) treats wrinkles, acne scars, crow's feet, cholesterol deposits (xanthelasma) and other unsightly skin changes. With the laser, detailed work in skin removal and skin rejuvenation is guaranteed. An elegant alternative to traditional dermabrasion, which mechanically abrades tissue, or electrocautery, which burns tissue.

The laser is aimed at the troublesome area of ​​skin. It penetrates the top layer of skin and is absorbed by the water in human skin. The water immediately vaporizes and releases energy, tearing tissue particles with it at supersonic speeds. A slight cracking sound can be heard. The tissue is removed very finely and precisely in layers. The advantage over electrocautery, for example, is that the adjacent skin remains intact. With fractional ablation, the laser light is divided into several light beams by special optics. A grid is created, leaving a large part of the skin between the MicroSpots untreated. As a result of the treatment, the tissue regenerates very quickly from the healthy skin islands in the grid. This strengthens the skin and stimulates the formation of new collagen. The result is a healthy and fresh appearance.

How long it takes: The type and size of the affected area of ​​skin is decisive for the treatment. In the case of small wrinkles, scars or small moles, it takes a few minutes, for a fractional ablation (skin rejuvenation) of the face it takes about half an hour. One session is usually enough. For scar treatment, tattoo removal or deeper skin disorders, several treatments are usually necessary. However, this will be discussed in advance on a case-by-case basis. 


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What is Deka DuoGlide used for?

The Duoglide works with two wavelengths. As with the erbium laser (Dermablate MCL31), the ablative (removing) CO2 wavelength of 10,600 nm is absorbed in the water of the tissue and heat is generated. This is how the skin lesions are removed. More heat is generated than with the erbium laser, which also results in hemostasis and greater collagen stimulation. There is also the possibility of fractional use. During this treatment, small holes are shot into the skin, the trauma and the resulting heat stimulate collagen formation. The second wavelength (Er:Glass) is in the infrared range 1,540 nm and brings heat deep into the skin.

The heat causes new collagen to form - important at 1,540 nm there is no skin removal or downtime. A gentle option for scars and acne treatments. 

One of our favorite treatments with this laser is CoolPeel®. This treatment delivers beautiful results, including:

Thanks to optimal settings, the downtime is remarkably short – ranging from 1-3 days depending on the energy used. If the treatment is done on a Friday, for example, you can start the new week fresh and without redness after the weekend.

An additional application of the DuoGlide lies in the field of vaginal health. The laser's two wavelengths stimulate deep-lying tissue. With the vaginal laser, symptom relief can be achieved for women with lichen sclerosus, vaginal itching, pain during intercourse, and incontinence.


What is the QuadroStarPROYELLOW: used for?


Thanks to its yellow wavelength of 577 nm, the QuadroStarPROYELLOW is the gold standard for vascular treatments such as rosacea, couperose, telangiectasia, spider naevi, cherry angiomas, port-wine stains (hemangiomas) and red spider veins. It enables fast, effective and safe treatment with reduced side effects. Compared to conventional KTP (532 nm), there is a more targeted effect on the vessels and therefore fewer side effects.

The laser beam is directed onto a visible vessel. The target for the laser is the red blood pigment hemoglobin. The effect of the laser beam heats up the vessel and damages the vessel wall. This leads to adhesion and degradation of the vessel. In most cases, vessels are no longer visible after one treatment.

Thanks to the lower melanin absorption (compared to 532 nm) it is also possible to treat darker skin types. In addition to the standard handpiece, the QuadroStarPROYELLOW offers a scanner with integrated skin cooling for the treatment of larger areas. As a result, the patient feels less heat and the treatment is more comfortable overall.

What is the Again PRO by DEKA used for?


The Again PRO Laser works with wavelengths that are considered the gold standard for many treatments in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. The laser is a very powerful device equipped with two wavelengths Alexandrite 755 nm and Nd:YAG 1064 nm.

In addition, the laser has an strong cooling system. The high-performance system provides maximum treatment comfort thanks to the pleasantly perceived cooling.

This innovative laser is the ideal solution for extremely fast and painless hair removal. Thanks to technology, hair removal can be done all year round and is not limited to the sunless season. Furthermore, the laser can be used for efficient treatment of dermatological vascular lesions, nail fungus treatment and skin rejuvenation. The Again PRO laser can be used in particular for deeper and larger vessels (e.g. spider veins) or haemangiomas. The Nd : Yag 1064 nm is also the optimal wavelength for nail fungus treatment. Laser treatment is an important treatment option for nail fungus.

What is the Quanta Systems Discovery Picolaser used for?


The Quanta Discovery Pico is a medical laser used for tattoo removal. It works with a wavelength of 1064nm, 694nm and 532nm and is therefore able to remove tattoos of all colors as well as permanent make-up. The Discovery PICO represents the new generation of picosecond lasers. The special innovation of Discovery PICO consists in the high peak power and ultra-short pulses. This leads to better treatment results and improved effectiveness in tattoo removal.

The Quanta Discovery Pico uses picosecond laser technology, which allows it to destroy the pigments in the skin with great precision and efficiency. When the laser radiation is emitted in picosecond pulses, the laser light is absorbed by the color pigments and heated to over 900°C. This heating causes the pigment to expand extremely rapidly, creating a mechanical (acoustic) wave. The generated wave exerts a pressure that causes fragmentation of the pigment. The fragments are then taken up by macrophages (scavenger cells) and transported away by the lymphatic system. This so-called photoacoustic effect, in which particles are literally "pulverized", is caused by the ultra-short impulses at high energies.

The picosecond laser can destroy even the smallest particles of ink that make up black tattoos. This color, also because of the very small dimensions of its particles, sometimes becomes resistant to Q-switch nanolaser treatments. The picosecond pulse can break down even the smallest black ink particles into fine “dust”, which is then more easily broken down by the body's immune system. With the wavelengths of 532 nm and 1064 nm in the picosecond range, the Discovery PICO can treat different tattoo colors, superficial and deep-seated pigmented skin changes.
Another advantage of the Quanta Discovery Pico is that it offers a wide range of energy densities and pulse durations. In this way, the treatment can be adapted to the individual needs of the patient.
Furthermore, the Quanta Discovery Pico can also be used to treat pigment spots, age spots and freckles, as well as to tighten and rejuvenate the skin by stimulating collagen production.

What other treatments can be done with the available lasers?

Skin blemishes and small wrinkles are very annoying for many patients. Problem areas can be covered with make-up. One way to eliminate the cause is a chemical peel. In addition to chemical peeling, laser peeling can be used as a great alternative for impure skin or small wrinkles. Pharmaceutical agents can also penetrate better after the peeling. We use this procedure in the cosmetic field to introduce active ingredients to tighten and reduce hyperpigmentation. The facial treatment takes about 20 minutes. One session is recommended initially, then as needed. The skin is slightly red after the treatment and after a few hours the face shines with a new, fresh glow.

Carbon peeling with the picolaser is currently very popular on social media. Carbon peeling is a type of beauty treatment used primarily to improve skin texture and color. It involves the application of a carbon solution to the skin, followed by a laser that absorbs the carbon, ablating the top layer of skin.
The carbon peeling process is particularly useful for treating acne, acne scars, large pores, and uneven skin texture. It can also help achieve an even skin tone and reduce pigmentation spots.
The carbon peeling is usually carried out in several sessions to achieve the desired result. It's a quick and painless process and the skin usually turns a little red after the treatment, but there are no long-term side-effects.
It is important that carbon peeling is performed in a dermatological practice to ensure it is safe and effective.

CoolPeel® is highly popular among our patients. With the CO2 laser, it combines collagen stimulation with a very short downtime. This effective treatment refreshes the skin, reduces wrinkles, and overall refines the skin. It's an ideal option for patients seeking a natural result and a fresher appearance with minimal downtime.

The vaginal laser can represent a gentle treatment method for affected patients with lichen sclerosus, incontinence, vaginal dryness, and pain during intercourse

Some men are troubled by pearly penile papules; this harmless change can also be effectively removed using a laser.

What should you pay attention to when treating with a laser?

In addition to cleaning the skin, a medical diagnosis must precede any treatment with the laser. During the consultation, the skin type will be assessed and the prospects of treatment success will be discussed with you, and contraindications will be ruled out. As a rule, removal of individual birthmarks can be carried out immediately. How severe the pain is during the treatment depends to a large extent on the scope of the treatment. A local anesthetic is possible when removing birthmarks, but seldomly needed for peelings or scar treatments. As a rule, an anesthetic ointment is sufficient beforehand for sensitive patients, supplemented afterwards with a soothing care cream (e.g. aloe vera).

Subsequent, very consistent sun protection for four to six weeks is important.

What side effects can occur?

Slight side effects such as redness disappear within a few days. It should be noted that slight crusting is part of the healing process with some treatments. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) can occur in dark skin types and especially as a result of exposure to the sun. It is therefore always important to ensure consistent sun protection. The cold season is particularly suitable for laser treatments.

What costs do you have to reckon with?

For the treatment of a single wrinkle or a nail-sized mole, around 235 euros (incl. ordination) should be planned - for each additional mole there are around 80 euros. A fractional treatment of the face costs up to 850 euros. For the treatment of vessels on the face (cheeks and nose), the costs are around 400 euros. When treating blood sponges (haemangiomas) and tattoos, an individual price is calculated depending on the quantity/area. The values ​​given are for guidance only. You are welcome to make an appointment in our office for a consultation.
Depending on the zone, hair removal with the Laser Again PRO costs between EUR 70 (upper lip or chin) and EUR 530 (complete legs) per session. Further details on the treatment can also be found here.

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review review
  • Thank you Dr Bisschoff. The medicine you prescribed worked like a bom! I appreciate the time you took to descibe my illness in simple terms and the lifestyle changes I need to make to manage my condition. Many thanks! 
    Yelp: Christiaan B.
  • I traveled from London to see Dr. Johannes Bisschof for wrinkle treatment. I was extremely impressed with my wrinkle treatments. He has a very 'natural look' approach and after everyone asked me why I look younger and more relaxed I will definitely have it done again. I have also asked him advice on my skin texture and he suggested 2 creams and my skin has never looked this good. I feel 10 years younger. I can highly recommend him! 
    Yelp: Liezel M.
  • Dr Bisschoff used a laser to treat my skin scars. I was happy with the package that he offered. He is knowledgeable, friendly and I loved the end result.
    Google: Cecile du Toit
  • Dr. Bisschoff was absolutely wonderful and a great help. He took time to make sure I was comfortable, spoke incredible English, and explained everything in a careful and detailed manner. Thanks to his help, my skin condition was solved! I would recommend him to anyone.
  • Best dermatologist in Vienna. Really cares about his patient. He is a very good listener. He spent as much time as its needed and he doesn't rush patient. His aim is actually to help people not only earn money (like some of doctors tend to do). On the top of all of that he is really positive person and he explains everything in the proper manner.



  • Excellent doctor, extremely attentive! One of the best medical experiences I had.
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Laser treatment - The treatment is almost painless and reduces scaring Average rating: 3.97 - of 62 visitors

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