Skin cancer prevention
- Screening of moles with total body scanner, artificial intelligence and digital photo documentation with FotoFinder® (140x magnification) 220 EUR
Dermatologic Surgery
- Excisions of benign and malignant lesions from 150 EUR (in addition to appointment fee of 150 EUR)
Holistic advice for your individual problem
- Conservative dermatology
- Acne and acne Inversa
- Psoriasis (including biologics)
- Scarring and hyperpigmentation
- Eczema and dry skin
- Allergies
- Holistic consultation for e.g. hair loss (blood collection followed by targeted nutritional supplementation)
from 150 EUR
Allergy services
- Immunotherapy : Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) and Subcutanous immunotherapy (SCIT) offered
- Pricktesting (from 240 EUR)
- Epicutanoustesting (from 370 EUR)
- Alex² Test : almost 300 allergens (250 EUR)
- FOX Test : almost 300 intolerances (250 EUR)
Venous health
- Venous ultrasound screening and functional testing from 270 EUR
- Sclerotherapy with foam 340-450 EUR
- Sclerotherapy with laser 320-450 EUR
- Vein operations 550-1200 EUR
- Endoluminal venous therapy 2500 - 3000 EUR
Laser services
- Fibroma and Moles using laser
- Scar treatment using laser
- Fractional erbium laser
- Fractional CO2 laser
- Cold Peel (DEKA)
- Daylight Photodynamic therapy combined with laser (NEW: Low-pain method for the treatment of actinic keratoses or skin cancer precursors)
- KTP-Laser (QuadroStarPROYELLOW) - treatment of small vessels on Nose, cheeks and other body areas
- Tattoo removal
- Pigment spot removal
- Nail fungus treatment by laser
- Spider veins treatment by laser
- Penile papules
- Vaginal treatment MonaLisa Glide® (Vaginal Tightening and Incontinence Treatment)
from 85 EUR (in addition to appointment fee of 150 EUR)
Tatoo removal
- Obligatory medical consultation 60,00
- Obligatory medical consultation with test zone 160,00
- Tattoo removal up to 9 cm2 (per session) 100,00
- Tattoo removal 10-25 cm2 (per session) 100,00 - 160,00
- Tattoo removal 26-100 cm2 (per session) 160,00 - 290,00
- Tattoo removal 101-225 cm2 (per session) 290,00 - 350,00
- Tattoo removal larger 400 cm2 (per session) from 400,00
- Permanent make-up removal (lips, eyebrows) 120,00
Laser hair removal
- Face 130,00
- Upper lip 70,00
- Chin 70,00
- Arm pits 120,00
- Forearms 200,00
- Upper arms 200,00
- Thigh 390,00
- Lower leg 320,00
- Laser legs 530,00
- Belly 200,00
- Breast 200,00
- Buttocks 200,00
- Back 270,00
- Private parts 160,00
- Full body w/o face 1.550,00
- Full body with face 1.650,00
Aesthetic treatments
- Hyaluronic acid (Face and back of the hand) from 390 EUR
- Wrinkles and forehead wrinkles, crow's feet 260 - 550 EUR (price depend on amount of substance needed)
- Biostimulators for anti-wrinkles treatment
- Headache / migraine treatment 350-550 EUR
- Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) 590 EUR
- Bruxism 460 EUR
- Mesotherapy (Face and scalp) from 260 EUR
- Microneedling face and scalp from 165-220 EUR
- Carboxytherapy from 150 EUR
- Chemical peeling (Face, neck and décolleté) from 200 EUR (dermatologist)
- Chemical peeling (Face, neck and décolleté) from 80 EUR (beautician)
- Dermamelan treatment 850 EUR
Radiofrequency Microneedling + HIFU
- Face - RF Microneedling - 1 session 550
- Face - RF Microneedling - 4 sessions 1,870.00
- Face - RF Microneedling + HIFU - 1 session 715
- Face - RF Microneedling + HIFU - 4 sessions 2,430.00
- Specific Areas - RF Microneedling - 1 session from 300.00 Eye area, neck, cheeks, perioral zone, scars
- Specific Areas - RF Microneedling + HIFU - 1 session from 390.00 Eye area, neck, cheeks, perioral zone
- Specific Areas - HIFU - 1 session from 350.00 Eye area, neck, cheeks, perioral zone
- Specific Areas - RF Microneedling - 4 sessions from 1,190.00 Eye area, neck, cheeks, perioral zone, scars
- Specific Areas - RF Microneedling + HIFU - 4 sessions from 1,330.00 Eye area, neck, cheeks, perioral zone
- Specific Areas - HIFU - 4 sessions from 1,190.00 Eye area, neck, cheeks, perioral zone
Acne Inversa therapy with lAight
- Per session from 70 EUR
Other services
- Admin fee for further prescriptions and referals 40 EUR