Prof. Dr. med. Berthold Rzany, ScM, Dermatologist and Clinical Epidemiologist
Born and raised in Freiburg i. Breisgau (Germany), my medical studies led me to the universities of Freiburg, Vienna and Harvard. I did my specialist training at the Freiburg University Hospital. In Baltimore (USA) I completed a training as a clinical epidemiologist (Sc.M.) at Johns Hopkins University. After my specialist training, I moved to Mannheim as a senior physician, where I habilitated. In 2001, I was appointed Endowed Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine in Dermatology from the Department of Dermatology at the renowned Charité-Universitätsmedizin in Berlin, which I accepted in 2002. For ten years I worked as head of the Division of Evidence based Medicine and senior physician of the clinic before moving to a private practice on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm in 2011.
Since January 2022, I returned to the place of my medical studies, which has decisively shaped me personally and professionally and where I found my way into dermatology through Prof. Dr. Klaus Wolff and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Jarisch. As part of the Derma team at Medizin am Hauptbahnhof, I offer the full spectrum of classical and aesthetic dermatology. My focus is on aesthetic dermatology, the treatment of adverse reactions to aesthetic interventions, the treatment of teeth grinding (bruxism), excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), acne, rosacea and skin cancer screening with mole control.
In aesthetic dermatology, with the support of modern devices, I try to develop and implement a tailor-made natural treatment concept together with the patient. The aim is for patients to look rested and relaxed and not 'made'.
I look forward to welcoming you to my office hours.
Work experience
Seit 2022 | Medizin am Hauptbahnhof, Vienna |
2012 - 2021 | RZANY & HUND, private practice for dermatology and aesthetic medicine, Berlin |
2002 - 2011 | Clinic for Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Charité University Medicine as university professor and senior physician at the clinic, Berlin |
1996 - 2001 | University Dermatology Clinic Mannheim, Faculty for Clinical Medicine Mannheim of the University of Heidelberg as senior physician, Mannheim |
1988 - 1995 | University Dermatology Clinic, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg as assistant and specialist in dermatology and allergology, Freiburg |
1987-1988 | Bundeswehr (staff and battalion doctor), Koblenz |
Focus areas and memberships
Focus areas | Aesthetic dermatology |
Treatment of adverse reactions to aesthetic interventions | |
Grinding of teeth (bruxism) | |
Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) | |
Acne & Rosacea | |
Severe light damage to the skin / field cancerization | |
Member of | Working Group Aesthetics and Dermatological Institute (AADI) |
Berlin Dermatological Society (BDG) | |
German Dermatological Society (DDG) |
1998 | Habilitation: Evaluierung von Risikofaktoren seltener erworbener blasenbildender Hauterkrankungen, Fakultät für Klinische Medizin Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg |
1996 | Zusatzbezeichnung Allergologie |
1994 - 1996 | The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland; Master of Science (Sc.M.), Clinical Epidemiology, Thesis Title: Risk factors for hypercreatinemia in the Hopkins Lupus Cohort |
1992 | Facharzt für Dermatologie |
1987 | Dissertation: Die passive Immunisierung Bienengiftallergischer Patienten (magna cum laude), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiberg |
1986 | Approbation als Arzt, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg |
1985 | Praktisches Jahr, Städt. Krankenhaus Karlsruhe (Innere Medizin), II. Chirurgische Universitäts-Klinik, Wien (Chirurgie), Harvard Medical School, Boston (Dermatologie) |
1980 - 1986 | Medizinstudium, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg (Deutschland); Universität Wien (Österreich) |
1980 | Abitur, Goethe Gymnasium, Freiburg (Deutschland) |